Russet Runners Marden 10k 2025

09:30 Sunday 1 June 2025

Distance10 Kilometres
Course profileUndulating
Is accurate?Yes
Accuracy detailsAUKCM South certificate 25/016
LicenceLicensed Road Race
Event listingEvent listing at RunEvents

We are back for 2025!

The Russet Runners 10k follows a mostly flat, fully marshalled course, with a few brief undulations and inclines. Total elevation gain is 40 metres over the 10km course. The route will take in many of the beautiful country lanes surrounding the village. Roads through Marden will be temporarily closed for the first 2.5km of the race. A water station will be provided at the half-way mark and at the finish line. We may add an additional water station on the course, in the event of hot weather.

Race HQ is Southons Field in Marden. 

The Russet Runners Marden 10k is an accurately measured course, and holds a licence from England Athletics/RunEvents.