The Sandwich 10k - 10k

09:30 Sunday 20 July 2025

Distance10 Kilometres
Course profileFlat
Is accurate?Possibly but no certificate at present
Accuracy detailsAsserted as accurately measured at RunEvents
LicenceLicensed Road Race
Event listingEvent listing at RunEvents

This popular race is back with a great route through the town centre. It's a flat route, including two loops of the historic town centre and the riverside.

The route has proved to be hugely popular. Once again it starts and finishes at Sir Roger Manwood's School in Sandwich and includes a loop of the town centre, and near to the riverside before returning to the finish. Sandwich is one of the best preserved medieval towns in England.

The route is mostly flat and so good times are possible. The route is suitable for all types of runner from beginner to the more experienced.