Colchester Fast 10km

12:30 Monday 18 April 2022

Distance10 Kilometres
Course profileFlat
Is accurate?Yes
Accuracy details
LicenceFull Licence
Water stationsYes
Race limit400

This event will take place on Monday 18th April 2022. This is an ideal venue to chase a fast time as the course is pancake flat and on smooth tarmac. The race will be run under a full UK Athletics License and each course has been officially measured and has a certificate of course accuracy. The race will also be chip timed and results published on Power of 10. To get into the Easter Spirit, we want the whole family to join in, so there is also a 1 mile family fun run – fancy dress encouraged! This will start 1 minute after the 1 mile race has started and we hope that plenty of young ones will be inspired to take part. If you’ve already entered another race on the day, you can join in for FREE. The event takes place at the brand new Northern Gateway Sports Venue in Colchester. With a traffic free, tarmac course with no sharp bends, we are certain that there will be a whole bunch of proud new Easter PB’s! The closed road circuit is perfect for all standards, no matter whether you are chasing a lightening quick time, a beginner or a junior. (minimum age requirements detailed below).