East Peckham 10K

10:00 Sunday 28 July 2024

Distance10 Kilometres
Course profileFlat
Is accurate?Yes
Accuracy detailsAUKCM South certificate 18/390
LicenceLicensed Multi-Terrain Race
Water stationsYes
Race limit600 (300 entrants previouly)

Event Overview: This beautiful summer’s race is pacey using the flat, quiet lanes around East Peckham and is a genuine pb event. Organised on behalf of the Paddock Wood & District Lions Club this well-marshalled race will, once again, be looking to help support local charities. The race is perfect for runners of all abilities, from those looking to complete their first 10k to seasoned club athletes and has wonderful community vibes. Enjoy the race-day buzz and let's not forget some amazing encouragement from the volunteer marshals too! Course Details: The race takes place on the outskirts of East Peckham village and uses quiet country lanes. The course is primarily flat with no noticeable hills. The start will be on the playing fields, but the rest of the route is tarmac. Although the race is on quiet lanes, it is not traffic free and you should be aware of the likelihood of some traffic. The course will have been inspected for hazards prior to the race but runners are asked to exercise the usual caution when running. The race carries a certificate of course accuracy.