ATW Colchester FNR - Colchester Fast 5km

18:00 Friday 9 August 2024

Distance5 Kilometres
Course profileFlat
Is accurate?Yes
Accuracy detailsAUKCM South certificate 21/251
LicenceLicensed Road Race
Water stationsYes
Race limit800

This event will take place on Friday evening, starting at 5:30pm. This is an ideal venue to chase a fast time as the course is traffic-free, pancake flat and on smooth tarmac. The race will be run under a full UK Athletics License and each course has been officially measured and has a certificate of course accuracy. The race will also be chip timed and results published on Power of 10. We will be kicking off the evening at 5:30pm with a 1mile race (including a fun run). If you have entered a race later in the evening you are welcome to join in to encourage family and friends. At 6pm we'll be starting the 5k races, incorporating the Essex county championships. The night will be finished off with the Women's and Men's elite races.