Best Race Series 5km

08:30 Saturday 10 August 2024

Distance5 Kilometres
Course profileFlat
Is accurate?Yes
Accuracy detailsAUKCM South certificate 23/464
LicenceLicensed Road Race
Water stationsYes
Race limit400

The race event will include a 5km, 10km and Half Marathon (21.1km) in April. The Battersea race loop is 2.4km. This has been signed off by England Athletics and has an official certified route following the guidance laid out by RunBritain. The course is 2 laps for the 5k and 4 laps for the 10k, 8 1/2 laps of the half marathon.

Further information may be found at:

Location map link:
Battersea Park, Battersea , London, SW11 4NJ