Hove Prom 10k

09:00 Sunday 20 October 2024

Distance10 Kilometres
Course profileFlat
Is accurate?Yes
Accuracy detailsAUKCM South certificate 18/374
LicenceLicensed Road Race
Water stationsYes
Race limit600 (550 entrants previouly)

Event Overview: This fast and nippy 10k course uses two loops along the promenade and with the right weather, fast times are extremely likely. The event is also included as part of the Sussex Grand Prix championships and so, as well as being a cracking day out, it also attracts top runners from all over the county. The race enjoys some wonderful local club support as well as those who race without any affiliations; everyone is welcome and everyone gets a huge cheer across the finish line! Come and enjoy a morning fizzing with racing delight; you won't be disappointed! Course Details: The route follows a double out and back course along the Hove Promenade. The course is pancake flat and carries a certificate of course accuracy so fast times and PB's are (almost) guaranteed!