Boxing Day 5

10:30 Thursday 26 December 2024

Distance5 Miles
Course profileUndulating
Is accurate?Possibly but no certificate at present
Accuracy detailsAsserted as accurately measured at RunEvents
LicenceLicensed Road Race
Event listingEvent listing at RunEvents
  • Five mile race
  • Fast, undulating, mainly rural, all road course.

Beat The Pud Again!

For the last 7 years we’ve added some extra fun and you all seemed to enjoy it!

So once again, there will be a running Christmas Pud for you to chase to help you run off those festive indulgences! Will you have what it takes to Beat the Pud?!

As you may recall last year we added a a 2nd Pud that chased you all down too. And will make another return this year. So can you stay ahead of the chasing Pud?!